Pricing: Contact [email protected] or call or text at 860 508 2938
Please Inquire with any questions and if there is something that you are looking for.
Acrylic Painting: Start at prices below and subject to change or be higher depending on work involved. Inquire within. 9x12 - $250 - 400 11x14 - $300 - 425 16x20 - $350 - 475 18x24 - $425 - 600 24x30 - $475 - 700 30x40 - $550 - 800 |
Original Intuitive Drawing Matte and Frame (in stock) 6x8 in 11x14 frame - $125 - $175 8x10 in 11X14 frame - $150 - $225 9x12 in 11x15 frame - $150 - $225 |
Signed Prints
8x10 Print - $10 8x10 print with matte - $20 8x10 print with matte and frame - $60 |
1 magnet - $5 2 magnets - $9 3 magnets - $12 4 magnets - $15 |
Make an Offer!
Be kind Be sensible Be dedicated |
Rights to re-print and high resolution JPEGS for websites and illustration work
Please inquire within. |